Friday, August 3, 2012

Music Attractive

Who would of ever thought music would  had ever been found and became to exist in our life..How could this so called music, become so powerful over time?? So many forms of styles and creation! Like really!! Who figures out these kinds of things ? I wonder what was the first human who thought of creating such a thing was thinking when they decided to speak in a melody or even make an instrument that produce an unique sound that others would find attractive when heard or played in some special way ! Music has played a part in our life for hundreds of years, and with the population steady growing, do you think music will still be around in the future? I don't know i'll let the newer generation figure that one out for them self's..  

Fake or Real

What do people consider to be fake and real? People, Reality, Logic? It's funny how the world! It's hard to say in my behalf if half the crap i have ever learned in my life is real or fake nonsense.. How do you compare? What is your scale leaning towards real or fake? So what is really real or fake comes to wonder? Well with about 7 billion people on earth it's not so easy to actually pen point what people have promoted in their logic to be real or fake to them.. Yeah i can understand the idea that people are forming of their own speculations and theory's which could be 100% right or 100% wrong! So what's real and whats fake comes into play.. As common sense comes to matter to say there are affinity possibilities out there to man kind what could we really be call fake or real? To make a long story short i'll leave that one up to you thank..